Tatev Frangyan, reporter of Zhoghovurd Newspaper in Armenia, asks questions about Turkish-Armenian relations to Mehmet Fatih Öztarsu, analyst of Strategic Outlook Institution.
Archive for the ‘NEWS ABOUT ME’ Category
Sargsyan will either change his policy, or he will be toppled
Political analyst from Strategic Outlook Institution (Turkey) Mehmet Fatih Oztarsu answers our questions.
Only dialogue can solve Turkish, Armenian problems
Though Turkey’s relations with Armenia have been strained by a number of historical and political issues, a Turkish Caucasus analyst who lived and studied in Armenia points out in his new book that only dialogue can solve problems.
‘Armenians want condemnation of “crime against humanity,” not perpetrators’
One of Turkey’s most prominent experts on the Caucasus, Mehmet Fatih Öztarsu, who now lives in Armenia, has said Armenians do not expect Turks to visit Tsitsernakaberd, a memorial in Armenia dedicated to the victims of the alleged 1915 Armenian genocide, or to condemn the perpetrators of the alleged genocide but instead want them to [...]
Kaliningrad of the Caucasus
R+ is speaking to Mehmet Fatih Oztarsu, Turkey’s only expert on the Caucasus region who lived and was educated in all the three countries of the South Caucasus. Being vice-chairman of the Turkish analytical centre Strategic Outlook, M.F. Oztarsu comes up with analytical materials on the region’s countries. Quite recently the Turkish expert published a [...]
De jeunes Turcs qui comprennent et promeuvent correctement la Turquie
Nous pouvons envisager que la politique américaine au Moyen-Orient va se diversifier dans cette nouvelle période, grâce aux pays alliés stratégiques, qui incluent la Turquie et Israël. Les priorités des USA, qui ont fait un effort pour rectifier les relations bilatérales entre ces deux pays du Moyen-Orient, incluent la normalisation des relations entre la Turquie et [...]
Azerbaidján reitera sus amenazas de guerra contra Artsaj
La prensa azerí difunde nuevas amenazas belicistas del Ministro de Defensa Safar Abiyev, contra la República de Nagorno Karabagh formuladas ante el General Myles Deering, Comandante de la Guardia Nacional de Oklahoma. Mientras Armenia apoya las negociaciones de la OSCE, Bakú quiere tergiversar en el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU la solidaridad con los [...]
Türkiye-Ermenistan İlişkileri Üzerine Mülakat
Uluslararası Politika Akademisi’nin Mehmet Fatih Öztarsu ile yapmış olduğu mülakatta Ermenistan ekonomisinin durumu, 2015 yılına dönük faaliyetler, Türkiye’nin sahip olması gereken yaklaşımlar ve yeni nesil Azerbaycanlı gençlerin diyalog sürecine yaklaşımları ele alınmıştır. “Türkiye olarak Kafkasya’ya sadece Batum’dan girebilen bir ülkesiniz ve etkinliğiniz de ancak dar bir alanı kapsayan mahiyettedir. Yarın Mihail Saakaşvili’den sonra yönetime gelecek [...]
Օբաման չի ասի «ցեղասպանություն», թուրքերը «Մեծ Եղեռնն» էլ վտանգավոր են համարում
ԱՄՆ նախագահ Բարաք Օբաման այս տարի էլ չի օգտագործի «ցեղասպանություն» եզրը իր ամենամյա ելույթի ժամանակ, որը նվիրվում է 1915 թվականին զոհված հայերին, պնդում են թուրք վերլուծաբանները: Հիշեցնենք, որ նախորդ երեք տարիներին Օբաման արտասանել է «Մեծ Եղեռն», սակայն խուսափել է «ցեղասպանություն» բառից, ինչը մեծ դժգոհություն էր առաջացրել ԱՄՆ-ի հայ համայնքի շրջանում:
Oztarsu: US relations with Turkey are at a critical juncture
US President Barack Obama will not use the word “genocide” when describing the alleged Armenian genocide during his annual Armenian Remembrance Day speech on April 24, 2012, Turkish political analysts have claimed. Specialists in Caucasian and US politics say it would not be timely for Obama to undermine Turkey’s stance on the issue, given the rising [...]