Azerbaycan ekonomik sorunların sebep olduğu çok ciddi bir süreçten geçiyor. Petrol fiyatlarındaki dengesiz düşüş ve para birimi manatın dolar ve euro karşısında yaşadığı yüzde elli değer kaybı ekonomisi enerjiye dayalı olan Azerbaycan’ı zor duruma soktu. Halk ise bu ani krize tepki olarak sokaklara indi. Yönetim ise halkın tepkisini azaltmak ve kısa süreli önlem oluşturmak amacıyla [...]
Posts Tagged ‘ankara’
Toward a Caucasus without Turkey
The jet plane crisis between Turkey and Russia has increased mobility in Caucasus and Central Asia. These developments, which we can say will be of disservice to Turkey in the medium and long term, force Turkey to develop new approaches to the region.
Can Turkey compete with Iran in the Caucasus?
The agreement reached as the result of talks between Iran and P5+1 countries (China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States, plus Germany) has led to debate over whether or not Iran is going to wield a more influential set of foreign policies in the Caucasus from here onwards. It seems quite possible [...]
Only dialogue can solve Turkish, Armenian problems
Though Turkey’s relations with Armenia have been strained by a number of historical and political issues, a Turkish Caucasus analyst who lived and studied in Armenia points out in his new book that only dialogue can solve problems.
‘Armenians want condemnation of “crime against humanity,” not perpetrators’
One of Turkey’s most prominent experts on the Caucasus, Mehmet Fatih Öztarsu, who now lives in Armenia, has said Armenians do not expect Turks to visit Tsitsernakaberd, a memorial in Armenia dedicated to the victims of the alleged 1915 Armenian genocide, or to condemn the perpetrators of the alleged genocide but instead want them to [...]
The French impasse in Turkish-Armenian relations
The most important thing that French President Nicolas Sarkozy emphasized during a visit to Yerevan in October 2011 was that France will introduce sanctions against Turkey if it fails to recognize the Armenian genocide by the end of the year.
Reflections of Israeli Crisis in Caucasus
The recent tension between Turkey and Israel has over the last year affected the fronts of alliances in the region, leading to pursuits for new forms of alliances subsequent to the current crisis. Back then, the Azerbaijani and Armenian media adopted differing approaches vis-à-vis the fate of the Mavi Marmara volunteers. Armenia has made statements over [...]
Finding a path to peace through journalism
I greeted Ofelya Kamavosyan and Mehmet Fatih Öztarsu when they got off the plane three weeks ago in Tallahassee from Washington, D.C., as professionals extending typical courtesies. I knew them only from their Facebook pages. They had come to Tallahassee and our newspaper ostensibly to finish working on a documentary, part of the International Center [...]
“Türkiye ön şart sunarsa barış girişimi boşa çıkar”
Son yıllarda Türk dış politikasının sıçrama hamlesi olarak nitelendirebileceğimiz Türkiye-Ermenistan yakınlaşması bugünkü konumda iki tarafın muhalif cepheleri ve diasporanın etkileriyle bekleme sürecine girmiştir. Bir kısım uzmanlara göre adı “sessiz diplomasi” olan bu süreç, Ermenistan tarafından meselenin daha çok tahlil edilmesi için fırsat doğurmuştur. Türkiye’yle ilişkilerin hangi minval üzerinde ilerlemesi gerektiği, bugün Ermeni kamuoyu için önemli bir [...]
Turkish student travels the Caucasus, lands in Armenia
Turkish student Mehmet Fatih Öztarsu, who calls himself an idealist, set out directly for the Caucasus. His first stop was the Azerbaijani capital of Baku. Having characterized Azerbaijan as a “kindred country,” he studied international relations at Baku’s Caucasus University. After his education, while pursuing his research in Georgia, he decided to cross over to [...]