Dünya kamuoyunun hassasiyet göstereceği bir Ermeni meselesinin olduğunun ASALA saldırılarıyla farkına varan Türkiye Soğuk Savaş’ın bitimine hazırlıksız yakalandığı gibi, her yıl sendrom olarak yaşadığı 24 Nisan’la ilgili yaklaşımlarını da hazırlıksız biçimde sürdürmektedir.
Posts Tagged ‘florida’
Finding a path to peace through journalism
I greeted Ofelya Kamavosyan and Mehmet Fatih Öztarsu when they got off the plane three weeks ago in Tallahassee from Washington, D.C., as professionals extending typical courtesies. I knew them only from their Facebook pages. They had come to Tallahassee and our newspaper ostensibly to finish working on a documentary, part of the International Center [...]
Foreign journalists spending time at Democrat
On April 22, two journalists from halfway across the world walked into the newsroom of the Tallahassee Democrat. Ofelya Kamavosyan and Mehmet Fatih Oztarsu, both first-time visitors to the United States, are here for three weeks through the International Center for Journalist’s program, New Media, New Challenges: Turkish-Armenian-American Journalist Exchange Program.
Golden Rules of Tallahassee Democrat “Faith and Courtesy”
International Center for Journalists continues to realize cross border projects all around the world. One of them is Turkish-Armenian-American journalists exchange program which combines 7 Turkish and 6 Armenian journalists to make them observers in different American media organs. Our author Mehmet Fatih Oztarsu is one of the participants of this project. Every journalists have [...]
Are the same Turks and Armenians who were just yesterday inseparable today enemies?
Turkey, which was made aware of the sensitivity surrounding the Armenian issue throughout the world through attacks by the Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia (ASALA), continues to be caught unprepared every year as to how to shape its approach towards the events of April 24.
Tallahassee Democrat ve Türk Medyası Mukayesesi
Türk medyasında özellikle dış politika konularında faaliyetlerde bulunmuş birisi olarak diğer ülkelerin medya sistemiyle mukayesenin yararlı olduğuna inanıyorum. Çünkü mukayese eksikliklerin farkına varılmasını sağlamakla birlikte yenilenmeyi de beraberinde getiren bir etkiye sahiptir. Türk medyasının Avrupa ve ABD medya mekanizmasıyla arasında irili ufaklı pek çok farklılık bulunmakta. International Center for Journalists organizatörlüğünde Türk ve Ermeni gazetecilerle [...]