Armenia has recently had a national referendum, one whose contents and the results of which have been heavily debated. The referendum — which was aimed at bringing about constitutional changes that would decrease the authority given to the president while increasing the power of its parliament — was met by a 63 percent “yes” vote. [...]
Posts Tagged ‘sargsyan’
War Games in Caucasia
The “Shant-2015” military exercises of the Armenian Defense Ministry were conducted Sept. 3-6. Unlike during previous exercises, the public’s preparedness for a possible war was measured. “Shant-2015” was interesting and important because for the first time the capabilities of a country which has had serious disagreements with Azerbaijan were evaluated in a scenario of regional warfare. A statement [...]
Who will Turkey talk to on the Armenian issue?
Turkey, which has been trying to preserve its power in the international arena by relying on the support of its Western allies, is currently suffering from serious backlash. Our politicians, who are unable to realize the growing resentment towards Turkey in the West due to domestic political considerations, continue to make bold and optimistic statements.
Ermenistan’ın Oligarşiyle Başı Dertte
Ermenistan Cumhurbaşkanı Serj Sarkisyan pek de sürpriz olmayan bir kararla Türkiye-Ermenistan arasındaki protokollerin geri çekilmesi için Parlamento Başkanı Galust Sahakyan’a bir mektup gönderdi. Mektupta, 2009 yılında imzalanan protokoller konusunda Türkiye’nin gerekli adımları atmadığını ve bu konudaki sorumluluğun tamamen Türkiye’ye ait olduğunu belirten Sarkisyan Türkiye’de siyasi irade eksikliği olduğunu ve durumun bu şekilde devam edemeyeceğini dile [...]