Posts Tagged ‘washington’

Is it possible to have a more effective American policy for Karabakh?

In early August, the death of Armenian and Azerbaijani soldiers as a result of conflict in Nagorno- Karabakh area brought a new tension. Nagorno Karabakh, a succession of Soviet and dispute area between Armenia and Azerbaijan, became a tool that maintains the severity of Caucasus in the last 20 years.

Finding a path to peace through journalism

I greeted Ofelya Kamavosyan and Mehmet Fatih Öztarsu when they got off the plane three weeks ago in Tallahassee from Washington, D.C., as professionals extending typical courtesies. I knew them only from their Facebook pages. They had come to Tallahassee and our newspaper ostensibly to finish working on a documentary, part of the International Center [...]

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